Thursday 8 October 2015


Inspiration hit the Workshop over the summer and attention turned back to a glorious wooden box of blendable colouring pencils... a box with two layers no less that has the power to make spines tingle just at the thought of the rainbow of possibilities!

Yes a new project was afoot.  Heedless of housework, these were busy times in the Workshop, focusing on the new challenge to create a doodle-a-day.

Now comes the confession.  We are not big doodlers here.  We are a wee bit perfectionist about our designs.  A doodle per DAY?!  Clearly unrealistic.

But when the Workshop is enthused, the Workshop gets busy.  So drawing style and design inspiration from stained glass windows and woodcut prints, here are the cheery results!

 So a doodle-a-day was rather optimistic but now Pumpkin Workshop is all fired up again about illustration!